Saturday, May 31, 2008

SuJu Kim Hee Chul is Serious About Being a Girl

It seems Super Juniors' Kim Hee Chul is taking his old dates with TVXQ U-Know way too seriously.

SM Entertainment who has recently decided to enter the musical business, held a celebration to kick off their new venture, in which Super Junior member Kim Hee Chul attended, looking as fruity as ever.

The SM Art Company will be releasing XANADU as their first musical production, starring Super Junior members, Kangin and Kim Hee Chul.

Isn't that cute? It's like Barbie and Ken live action. I'm positive this will fill Hee Chul with a great deal of nostalgia for his childhood years. Upon further examination though, he also looks like a reject ELF / Legolas from Lord of the Rings. That's ironic, considering Super Junior fans call themselves ELF.

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